Key Data

Street NameSurf Ave
House Number2007
StatusA — Pre-Filing
Job ID321435425 (Doc 02) (View All)
Job TypeA2
Job DescriptionFuel Oil Burning And Fuel Oil Storage Work Types Being Filed Herewith For Duel Fuel Boilers Filed Under Alt. 340190607. No Change To Use, Egress Or Occupancy Under This Application.
City OwnedYes
WorkFuel Burning
Fuel Storage
Total Estimated Fee$130
Fee StatusExempt


Pre-filing Date20 April 2017 (7 years, 3 months ago)
DOB Run Date21 April 2017 (7 years, 3 months ago)


NameSteven Saccacio
Business NameNycha
Address250 Broadway
New York
NY 10007
Phone Number(212) 306-8321
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NameRavindranath Shenoy
Professional TitlePE
License Number0055232
Professional CertificationNo
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Horizontal EnlargementNo
Vertical EnlargementNo

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Bin Number3189556
Building TypeOther
Community Board313