Key Data

Street NameSouth End Avenue
House Number395
StatusH — Plan Exam (In Process)
Job ID140609214 (Doc 01)
Job TypeA3
Job DescriptionInstallation Of Heavy Duty Sidewalk Shed During Building Alteration, Filed Separately. Sidewalk Shed Shall Comply With Chapter #33 Of The Nyc Building Code. No Change In Use, Occupancy Or Egress Under This Application.
City OwnedYes
Non ProfitYes
Total Estimated Fee$290
Fee StatusExempt


Assigned22 February 2017 (7 years, 8 months ago)
Pre-filing Date22 February 2017 (7 years, 8 months ago)
Fully Paid22 February 2017 (7 years, 8 months ago)
DOB Run Date23 February 2017 (7 years, 8 months ago)


NameGregory Tumminia
Business NameGateway Residential Mgt Llc
Address375 South End Avenue
New York
NY 10280
Phone Number(212) 321-2000
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NameJoel Phagoo
Professional TitlePE
License Number0089587
Professional CertificationYes
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Horizontal EnlargementNo
Vertical EnlargementNo
Existing Number of Stories34
Existing Height306
Existing Dwelling Units300
Existing OccupancyR-2

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Bin Number1083377
Building TypeOther
Community Board101


Zoning District 1BPC
Special District 1BPC